Kerry on an off day by all accounts, still managed to snag 6th Female Overall and 2nd in her Age Group at theSand Key Triathlon in Clearwater, Fl. She was forced to come to a complete stop on the bike when a car decided to cut in front of her. Bad driver, no soda and hot dog for you.
My tendinitis has cleared up enough for me to begin running….again. I finally crossed over 1000 miles of running for the year this past week. It’s never taken me this long in a year to accumulate 1000 miles of running. Never. Pathetic, but not as pathetic as my swim total which isn’t even up to 100,00 yards since October 1. Of 2009.
The next three weekends should be interesting. First up is the Elephant Man Triathlon, then the next weekend, my sponsor, gave me an entry to the USAT Halfmax Championship Triathlon, then the following weekend, gave me another entry to the Tucson Tinfoilman Triathlon. I’m sitting 3rd overall in the series standings about :40 seconds behind first place. Plus it never sucks getting comp’d entries. Thanks!
The other exciting thing about Elephant Man is I’ve got a total of three athletes racing. I expect very good races from my two athletes. I’d normally expect a good race from myself. But with at most 35 miles of running in the last month, well you can see where I’m going with that. About the best I can hope for is to crush the swim like last year then hang on for a top 10 overall finish on the run.
Thought you were done racing, eh Stover? 😉
Yeah RP…what’s up Stover? Fill us in.
Stover is the Brett Favre of triathlon!
Here ya go Ron,
Tho…he said “for now.” So, I guess his retirement is short lived. 🙂
He did say “for now” and and only he can say what “for now” really is. Stover, I was really hoping you would really retire, get fat and out of shape, come back to NC and I could kick your butt running or riding…you can forget swimming because I couldn’t beat you there unless you wore a 50 lb. lead belt.