I’ve discovered why the country is getting fatter. Cooking shows. Yes, cooking shows. When I was a kid Julia Rogers or Roberts or something with an R and some fat dude, Dom I think, were it. Two cooking shows. Total. On all of television, which was only four channels back then.
Running on the treadmill today at the gym, there were three cooking shows on at once. Out of 6 televisions, 4 had cooking shows. I was almost glad to have the College Baseball World Series on the other two tvs. Almost, because lets face it, baseball is a dumb sport. And boring. In my book it falls in with golf as a skill not a sport.
All I saw on the cooking shows was butter, flour, eggs, butter, heavy cream, more butter, frosting, olive oil, butter and candy. And some sort of sandwich. What kind? I really wasn’t paying that much attention. I don’t think I saw a veggie or piece of fruit on any of the shows. Unless you count the sautéed onions or fried peppers.
I’m not a nutrition expert but all that butter can’t be good for you. I think frying your veggies sort of defeats the purpose of eating veggies. I’m not anti-obesity either. I love obesity. It helps pays my bills.
But all these cooking shows can’t help make the country thinner. Maybe I’ll do a Dinner with Brian cooking show. It can be a commercial break really. Dinner at my place isn’t hard. For the most part it consists of beer, yogurt, a piece of fruit and maybe a handful of peanuts to go along with it. Sometimes two or three beers. Simple, easy and fairly tasty all at once.
Can’t you just leave us fat fucks alone?
You left out Raman noodles!
one way I look at it is if the fat is solid at room temp it cant be good 😉 But coming from a cooking background its is true that most shows to not feature much healthy stuff, even the so called health food shows are total and utter crapfest!
idiot, sugar makes you fat.
and i thought you knew this shit.
btw….how the hell does a pharm company come up with the name of a drug besides it’s chemical combo make up? Some of these names leave me saying wtf????
you can have burrito episode.