Thanks for screwing things up (again). You’ve ruined my great plans for new aerobars. All because you can’t get out of your own way while putting arbitrary, at least in my opinion, length x width rules in place. The stupid 3:1 rule. Now the people who make the handlebars I was going to get don’t make them anymore. So instead I’m going to end up with some aero bars that aren’t as aero. Maybe they should be called semi-aero bars instead. Or I could spend 25% more and get aero bars that are as aero. And if I do, I’m showing up at my local time trials and beating down some UCI approved aerobar aerobar riders. I’m a triathlete after all. Rules? I don’t care about no stinking rules.
Rider positions, frame design, aerobar design, frame shapes, they shived the Shiv, took the drink right off the P4, and on and on. Jean Wuthier is an idiot and the UCI can’t even interpret their rules consistently. The UCI would rather have people go slow them come up with ways to make a bike faster. Everyone wants to go faster. Faster riders, setting records draw more media attention and fans. Fans buy more stuff. It’s a positive feedback loop. By their own rules, anything shaped faster then the slowest shape you can design should be illegal.
Maybe I’m just po’d that the great idea I had to put on new aero bars got foiled by some dummies in Switzerland.
On a side note, I tagged a previous post with the word porn. Seems lots of people surf wordpress blogs for that word. I got a ton of hits off that key word. So many in fact, I’m tagging every post with the word porn.
Hell yeah, I’m whoring my blog out!
You blog whore!!! Next you will be posting pics of Gravy in risque’ poses.
Only after I get the pics back from you!