Last night was a house full of people drinking beer in preparation for the assualt on Mt. Lemmon. Time to eat some breakfast, clear out the cobwebs and maybe get a short run in. Sounds like we are having a snowball fight at the top once every one gets to the top.
Pics when we get back, but for now it’s smacktalk, a run and food while I get ready.
We are back. To sum it up, it was cold. So cold we bailed at mile post 22 and came back down, which was colder then climbing up. It was in the low 30’s, someone should have checked the forecast b/c the descent was freezing cold. I hate high speed wobbles, more so when they come from shivering while descending. Just what everyone wants when they are doing 38+ mph, the shivering shakes. Here are some pics of the festivities.

Rolling through the hood

Mike letting us know how he really feels

F*ck it's cold up here.

About to freeze our ass off on the descent

Looking across to the Rincons.
Watch your back for tc, she’ll sneak up on you and fly by if you aren’t careful.