Helicopters with search lights, undercover cars, K9 units, lots of cops, lions, tigers, bears oh my! That is what my front yard resembled early this morning. But without the lions, tigers and bears. Definitely the oh my though.
Very early this morning someone decides to park a stolen car in my front yard. Then said person decides to walk around my house checking out the neighbor’s cars. You wake me up, I call the cops, that’s a fair trade it seems. Less then 90 seconds after making the call, I’ve got a police officer calling me back asking me where the guy went. Less then four minutes after making the initial call, I’ve got four squad cars sitting in my front yard and blocking driveway. Good thing I didn’t need milk. One of the police cars has a huge ass spotlight shining on the stolen car. Which also happens to be about 40 feet directly in front of my bedroom window and directly in front of where I lay my tired head when I sleep. It’s not easy to sleep with a police spotlight shining into your eyes through your window blinds while you try to sleep. Of course with the ghetto bird (helo) flying circles over my house using their spotlight to brighten up the backyard, I probably wasn’t going to fall back asleep anyway.
I was able to enjoy free lighting in my bedroom, and play by play commentary over the police radio for nearly three hours as four cops and their K9 walked around the neighborhood looking for the dude. About 3:20AM the police got bored with playing hide and seek, packed it up, leaving the stolen car in front of my house.
About 30 minutes after they leave, just as I’m about to fall back asleep, another car rolls up into my front yard followed by a squad car. Seems the police found the owner of the stolen car. After doing what looked like a full car inspection, hood up, trunk open, the cars drove away.
While this wasn’t nearly as exciting as watching the SWAT team take down the neighbor’s house two summers ago, this was more heart pounding. It’s not every night that some guy parks a stolen car in front of your house then looks around at your neighbor’s cars.
Did you take any pictures?
yea stover…no pictures and it never happened. by the way, the wife had a laugh at the picture you sent me…good days none the less.
nice neighborhood you live in Stover.