It’s that time of year. People realize they had a few too many cookies (and who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookies?) and celebratory drinks over the holiday season. Now as the 2020 race season rapidly approaches people start to clamber for a way to shed a few pounds quickly. There are sensible ways to go about shedding a few pounds. Drastic change to one’s eating habits is rarely the solution.
Radical change is hard to sustain. It’s often more time consuming, requires more kitchen prep and changes to your grocery shopping habits. All these are roadblocks to better eating.
Smaller steps to change are better. They are less drastic, easier to implement and easier to maintain. That could mean choosing two or three meals per week to focus on making healthier/lower calorie/vegetarian or it could be as simple cutting back on the number of beers and/or soft drinks you consume per day.
As your training volume increases small changes can have a meaningful impact on your weight and body composition. It’s better to be 165 pounds and 9% body fat than it is to be 161 pounds and 11% body fat. Weight does not tell the entire story.
Focus on making a few small changes that are healthier when it comes to your eating habits. Focus on changing body composition instead of focusing on just losing weight.